Letter from the Director

Dear Residents,
What’s next? My New Year’s resolutions include the usual: lose 10 pounds, exercise, eat healthier, spend time with family, learn a language, write handwritten letters, and, of course, make time to read more. The turning of the calendar from one year to the next gives us a moment to reflect, remember, and recognize our accomplishments and the resolutions left behind. We resolve to do better, begin our diet on Monday, and exercise in the morning.

Dear Residents,
What’s next? My New Year’s resolutions include the usual: lose 10 pounds, exercise, eat healthier, spend time with family, learn a language, write handwritten letters, and, of course, make time to read more. The turning of the calendar from one year to the next gives us a moment to reflect, remember, and recognize our accomplishments and the resolutions left behind. We resolve to do better, begin our diet on Monday, and exercise in the morning.

What’s next for you? Your library’s programs and resources can help you fulfill your resolutions. Take time to learn a language with our free online tutorial, Mango Languages, learn to paint at our workshops beginning next month, or learn how to be a better gardener at our “Grow More with Less” program on March 9 (visit our Events Calendar at www.cshlibrary.org, or see the next issue of the newsletter for details). Parents, we have created Book Bundles, a convenient way to pick up books on your child’s favorite topic, such as trucks, princesses, planets, or animals. Students, besides helping you with your homework, we can also offer guidance with the college admissions process.

We are delighted with the response to our first app, which is available for Apple and Android devices. From either the convenient new app or from our website, you can request titles, book a meeting room, or simply learn more about the many instructional services we offer every day.

To date, hundreds of residents have picked up the new library card with key tag. Stop by anytime; it takes just a few moments to get the new card. While you are here, let the librarians help you download free eBooks to your devices or suggest a few new items from the print, DVD, or CD collections.

If you are curious about tablets, we are thrilled to announce a grant from NYS has provided us with three Google Nexus tablets. You may borrow a tablet and discover firsthand the convenience of mobile technology.

As 2014 begins, we are filled with hopes and promises; let your library help you keep your promises.

Hope to see you soon,
Helen M. Crosson