Letter from the Director

Dear Residents,
Except for the flu, which has gripped so many this season, winter has been kind to our neighborhood (Update: Mother nature had other plans for us. Blizzard Nemo landed on us after this letter was written). Attendance at our morning and evening exercise programs is strong; please look for the next sessions to begin soon, and take advantage of these very cost-effective programs. Our book discussions are led by experienced librarians and are an excellent way to find the next great book while making new friends. Storytimes and playtimes for preschoolers, including many special craft programs, are always popular. On March 19, grades 5-8 will be making wind chimes from flower pots. Preregistration is mandatory, and may be done through the library’s online events calendar, or by telephone. See page 4 of the newsletter for details.

Dear Residents,
Except for the flu, which has gripped so many this season, winter has been kind to our neighborhood (Update: Mother nature had other plans for us. Blizzard Nemo landed on us after this letter was written). Attendance at our morning and evening exercise programs is strong; please look for the next sessions to begin soon, and take advantage of these very cost-effective programs. Our book discussions are led by experienced librarians and are an excellent way to find the next great book while making new friends. Storytimes and playtimes for preschoolers, including many special craft programs, are always popular. On March 19, grades 5-8 will be making wind chimes from flower pots. Preregistration is mandatory, and may be done through the library’s online events calendar, or by telephone. See page 4 of the newsletter for details.

Use of your library by students after school continues to increase. We are so pleased that Bus G leaves the high school each afternoon and stops at the library. A few weeks ago, the CSH School District launched a new 21st Century tool known as the CSH Virtual Desktop. This “in the cloud” program enables students and faculty to access resources and assignments via the Internet from any connected device. We installed an icon on the desktops of all computers in the library, making it convenient for students who gather here after school to continue their assignments.

Great news for eBook lovers! Our eBook and downloadable audiobook programs are improving, with additional titles in multiple formats, and no waitlist for many of our audiobooks. Stop by the library for hands-on instruction, or visit our website and click on Download eBooks, Video, Music, & Audiobooks. As of January, over 600,000 titles have been downloaded by members throughout Suffolk County. Learn how today!

The annual Budget Vote & Trustee Election will be held at the library on Tuesday, April 9. Events for all ages are planned, including a very special visit by students in our Science Research Program. The student scientists will be in the library to tell us about their discoveries after school.