Letter from the Director

Dear Residents,

I would like to thank you for approving our 2017-2018 budget. Thanks to your continued support, we are able to provide the high quality resources, services, and programs that our patrons enjoy every day.

The new budget includes increases in our Children’s Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Easy Reader book collections, and increases in the programming budgets for our Children’s, Teen, and Adult departments. We are proud that patron attendance is growing and that the community is taking advantage of the wonderful programs we provide for all ages.

Dear Residents,

I would like to thank you for approving our 2017-2018 budget. Thanks to your continued support, we are able to provide the high quality resources, services, and programs that our patrons enjoy every day.

The new budget includes increases in our Children’s Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Easy Reader book collections, and increases in the programming budgets for our Children’s, Teen, and Adult departments. We are proud that patron attendance is growing and that the community is taking advantage of the wonderful programs we provide for all ages.

I would like to congratulate Helen Weinstein, Aviva Franz, Loren Kobus and Janice Rochstein who were all elected the Library Board of Trustees. The support of the community, the Trustees, and the Friends Foundation help us to provide the best possible library service to you and your family.

As the warmer weather approaches, we have some exciting events planned, including two Signature Events: the Paul Joseph Quartet on May 7, and Neal Stuart & the Empire State present the Best of Johnny Maestro on June 4. Our Summer Reading Program kicks off with Summerfest on June 23. Be sure to stop by and enjoy all the fun activities!

Again, thank you for your support.

Dr. Roger Podell