Letter from the Director

Dear Residents,
As I write this, your library is hosting the CSH Civic Association with guest speaker Dr. William Spencer, Suffolk County Legislator, there is a meeting of the CSH Lacrosse Club, students are doing assignments, and people of all ages are using the computers and borrowing material. We see every day that the library means different things to each of you. For some, it’s a quiet refuge from a hectic day; for others, it’s a gathering place to listen, learn, and linger.

Dear Residents,
As I write this, your library is hosting the CSH Civic Association with guest speaker Dr. William Spencer, Suffolk County Legislator, there is a meeting of the CSH Lacrosse Club, students are doing assignments, and people of all ages are using the computers and borrowing material. We see every day that the library means different things to each of you. For some, it’s a quiet refuge from a hectic day; for others, it’s a gathering place to listen, learn, and linger.

On April 9 we held our annual Budget Vote and Trustee Election. Once again, your votes of support tell us we are providing the services you expect. Your confidence in our ability to assist you and your children means so much. I also must thank Trustee Sandra Capek-O’Grady for once again procuring funds from BNY Mellon Wealth Management to fund all the programs on Election Day.

We recently launched our first user survey. Please go to www.cshlibrary.org and complete this very brief survey, so that as we plan our shared tomorrow, it is with the wisdom of knowing we are offering the programs and services you value. The survey will be open until June 30, and one participant who provides an email address will win an eReader purchased by the CSH Library Friends Foundation. If you prefer to take the survey on paper, copies are available at the Circulation Desk, along with a dropbox to preserve anonymity.

This season there will be many reasons to visit the library. I hope to catch you reading very soon!