Instructions and User Agreement

To reserve a Museum Pass, please read the following and click ACCEPT at the bottom of this page.

Select and Reserve (for both Print-on-Demand and Pick up/Return passes)

Cold Spring Harbor Library cardholders 18 years of age and older may reserve a pass by selecting the museum they wish to visit, or by the date of their intended visit. A pass may be reserved up to 30 days before the date you wish to visit the museum. Each participating museum sets its own admission limits which are listed on the reservation page. 

While most of our passes are Print-on-Demand, a select few are physical passes to check-out (Pick-up/Return). These passes are reserved in 3-day increments to account for pickup and return time. When setting a reservation time for a Pick Up/Return pass, please note the hours of operation for both the Library and museum of interest.

A confirmation page will appear once a reservation is complete; a copy will be sent to the email associated with your Cold Spring Harbor Library card.  You may print your pass directly from the confirmation page, or do so later from the confirmation email.  A printed pass showing date of reservation must be presented to the museum, as electronically displayed passes are not valid.

Pick Up/Return Passes

Passes that are not available as Print-on-Demand may be picked up at the Circulation Desk and will be checked out on the library card used to make the reservation. 

The pass must be returned to the Circulation Desk by closing on the last day of your reservation. If the Library is closed (i.e., for a holiday) the pass will be due the next day that the Library is open. This date will be indicated on the date due slip given to you at checkout. Please note that Pick Up/Return Passes cannot be renewed, or placed in the outdoor book drop


  • Passes are for use by Cold Spring Harbor Library card holders in good standing, who are at least 18 years of age. 
  • Each museum reserves the right to determine the rules and regulations governing the use of the museum pass. 
  • Museum Passes are valid for entrance only, and not for special events. 
  • Prior to your visit, please be sure to check with the museum for hours of operation and any unexpected closures.
  • Passes may be reserved only once per month, per pass, per library card.
  • To cancel a reservation, please contact the Library at (631) 692-6820.


  • A $10.00 fee per day will be charged to your library card if a pass is returned late. Passes cannot be renewed.
  • Passes cannot be returned in the outdoor book drop. 
  • A $100.00 fee will be charged to replace a lost physical museum pass.
  • The Library is not responsible for museum entrance fees in the event that a pass is lost or not returned on time for your use.


  • May be printed at the time the reservation is made, or anytime up to the date of visit. 
  • Will be valid only for the date listed on the confirmation page.
  • Must be printed out and presented to the museum. Electronically displayed passes are not valid.