Community Service

The library offers plenty of volunteer opportunities for students in grades 7-12. All prospective volunteers must attend an orientation meeting, held 1-2 times a month. Register on our calendar or contact for more info. 

Volunteer Guidelines & Paperwork

Are you one of our prospective or current volunteers? Links to volunteer paperwork can be found below. Please allow up to one week for the receipt of a volunteer letter. 

2023-2024 Volunteer Guidelines

Community Service Opportunities 2024

Community Service Letter Request Form

Special Volunteer Opportunities

Citizen Science with iNaturalist (1 hour per 10 observations)

  • Use the iNaturalist app to log photos of wildlife and plants in your area. Select a suggested ID for
    the organism and let the community peer review it as a contribution to science! Email a photo
    of your log to for credit. Every 10 observations (including an ID attempt)
    counts for 1 hour of service.

Teen Survey 2023-2024 (can be completed once per July-June year)

Beach Cleanups

  • Twice a year we have organized beach cleanups in collaboration with the North Shore Land Alliance. These are off-site events requiring permission slips.

Teen Teach